Friday, February 24, 2012

The Benefits of Belonging to God

Here is what I learned while reading God’s Word today. I read, once again, Ps. 103. I just can’t seem to read this particular Psalm enough. I find this entire section (103-105) rich in reasons to worship.

It’s almost as if we hear David talking to himself here. I have often said that unless you can talk to yourself, you may need help. Not the other way around. On one occasion after the Amalekites had raided their camp while he was away and taken the women and children captive, David had to encourage himself in the Lord. I picture him walking into a field and telling himself, “I can do this. God is for me. He has an answer for this.”

We probably all have times when we need to encourage ourselves. The husband is being a jerk... the kids aren‘t acting right... the boss is being mean... school is overwhelming... maybe you need to come away from everything and do what David did. Talk to yourself. We surely have people in our lives that will encourage us when they can but often they are not around or have there own problems. We must take the initiative and give ourselves a pep talk. I am not just talking about positive confession. I’m talking about reminding ourselves what God has done for us.

“Soul,” David says, “bless the Lord, everything that is in me you bless the Lord for all of the benefits He gives me.” He is reminding himself that he needs to be grateful for the profit there is in belonging to God. He reminds himself of how God has forgiven and healed him. How God has purchased him from the auction block of sin and delivered him from the penalty of sin. He reminds himself of how wonderful and satisfying it is to be a recipient of the love and mercy of God. I am sure his heart soared as he did so and his perspective brightened.

I am glad that God is so merciful and faithful in His love. I am in need of that particular attribute of God every day. I am so happy to know that He is “slow to anger” and removes my sins in His compassion for me because He knows my “frame.” I am nothing without Him and will amount to nothing without Him. With Him I am blessed and abounding in so much to be grateful for. I have a Heavenly Father who loves me faithfully, steadfastly and forever. He will never be guilty of turning His back on me or giving up on me.

This makes Him worthy of my praise and worship. I should sing and be joyous in my disposition because of the benefits of belonging to God by covenant. It doesn’t matter how tough life is at the moment or what others think of me… He is worthy of my being joy-filled because of His favor and blessing on my life. This is not to say there will not be times of challenges or struggles but in them I must remember to do what David did and that is to encourage myself by rehearsing all the benefits of being a child of God even with the troubles I may have to endure here. As I do so it makes me cheerful in spite of what I may be going through. It is an expression of my faith and God is really pleased with that.

I am a child of God, highly favored, blessed with benefits, redeemed from eternal punishment, satisfied with good things and strengthened with His help. He is patient, gentle, merciful, compassionate and faithful to me. I can’t imagine how there could be a better deal than this! Thank You Father!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jesus Is The Answer

Read this: Artists Worry, Who's Next?

There is one reason why these "heroes" don't make it past 50. They need Jesus. With a sold-out life to Jesus most of them would still be alive and using the talent God gave them to bring glory to Him. None of us have a promise of tomorrow but a lot of God-fearing people are not dealing with the problems that addictions, lusts and a self-centered life bring as they wake up this morning. Jesus is the Way and the Truth and THE LIFE! Take Him as Savior and you will never regret it.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Victorious Church 2

The Victorious Church is so because she knows who she is. She is joined to Christ and is “bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh.” There is oneness of Head and Body and she knows her task. She goes forth to invade the world of rebellion against God aware that the gates of hell (the network of princes and powers) cannot stop her. She has the keys of the Kingdom and uses them to release the captives of the rebels. She knows her power and goes forth wrapped in the mantle of Christ - the Anointed One - and continues the ministry of Christ to destroy the works of the devil.

Some Survived

Read: Why Some Pioneering Christian Media Ministries Survived

Great follow up to the previous article about those that sank. Great advice for any ministry.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Victorious Church

The church Jesus is coming for is a "glorious" one without spot or wrinkle. The church will not be perfect and will suffer attacks of the enemy but will not be a downcast, defeated one cowering while they wait for Jesus to come back. If we are going forth to do His will (on the offense) there will be joy and power. The "hold the fort" mentality is an environment for "wilderness wandering." We were not saved to sit on a pew and treat the faith like a spectator sport we attend on Sundays. That mindset will lead to discouragement, boredom and worse for believers. We are the Victorious Church when we follow Jesus into the world to manifest the manifold wisdom of God to principalities and powers. Be the church (don't go to church).

Friday, February 10, 2012

Messianic Response to Long-Messer Fiasco

Read: Messianic Response to Eddie Long's Coronation

Good article. Lots of insight. Thanks brother.

And there is more to the story. Read this: Paula White Wrapped in Torah by Messer

Ah... it gets even clearer. Whenever a minister gets into trouble with questionable life choices lets get a "Rabbi" to do some mystical/Jewish/charismatical ceremony to affirm us.

More charismatic chaos.

A Pentecostal Paradox (Pt. 2)

You must read: A Pentecostal Paradox

"The diminishing of demonstrative spiritual gifts in public worship amidst North American Pentecostal churches is not indicative of what is happening in Pentecostal churches on other continents. According to Thomas Trask, former General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God, "The Overseas Pentecostal Church looks at the Church in North America and asks: 'What's the matter with you? Why would you even [limit or] question the public operation of the Spirit and the Gifts? After all, these have served you so well over the years.'"

If you are Pentecostal/Charismatic/Full Gospel you must read this on the Pentecostal Movement in the US.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Grady Always Gets It

Read: Phoney Rabbis, Lost Discernment and the Eddie Long Disaster

"For some reason, many charismatics today are wowed if a Bible teacher pulls out a Jewish prayer shawl, wears a yarmulke, recites a Bible verse in Hebrew or claims to know the numerical value of an Old Testament word. He gets extra points if he understands biblical feasts (or can show you how to obtain financial blessings through a “Day of Atonement Offering”). I believe there is certainly value in understanding the Hebrew roots of Christianity. But if we aren’t careful this can also become idolatry—or an opportunity for charlatans who have lots of “Jewish” products to sell. Note: If someone’s teaching does not point his hearers 100 percent to Jesus, don’t buy it."

Yes, yes, amen and amen.

Thanks Lee. Keep telling the truth!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Is the Pioneering Age of Religious Media Over?

Read: Is the Pioneering Age of Religious Media Over?

Interesting article... and yes it has. It will be even more interesting to see what form Christian media takes in the future. I hope we have learned some lessons.

Pentecostals holding their tongues?

The Pentecostal Paradox: As the Global Chorus Grows, American Tongues Fall Silent

If you are a Pentecostal this is a great article and you must read it.

"Speaking in tongues has arguably been the most emphasized charismata of the modern Pentecostal movement. Although the leading Pentecostal denominations in the world all emphasize this gift, some do so more so than others. In fact, the largest Pentecostal organization in the world, the AG, considers tongues "the initial, physical evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit"—and refers to this as its "distinctive doctrine." It is considered the primary tangible evidence that a Christ-follower has experienced a "second work of grace," called the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, which believers are (according to doctrinal statements) supposed to "ardently expect" and "earnestly seek," Oddly, however, it seems that this hallmark phenomenon over the past decade has on many fronts been deemphasized, displaced and, in some cases, even placed on hold within churches that still consider themselves "Pentecostal."

Wow... someone is talking about this and I don't mean old timers. I can go to Pentecostal churches and to some Baptist churches and see no difference. The contemporary worship that used to define charismatic churches can be found in many mainline churches and that's good. I am all for good worship to be sure but when that  is all that now distinguishes us I am concerned. Do we still believe in Acts 2:4?

My denomination had an outpouring in a national youth meeting a couple of years ago and there were kids being baptized in the Holy Spirit by the score. There were manifestations (like tongues, tears and being slain in the Spirit) and a few leaders and churches were very critical. I know we have come a long way when it was "anything goes" and we have progressed in many ways from the old legalistic days but when tongues and the gifts are no longer part of the Pentecostal experience, even in the church setting, I wonder where this is going. Is it all about what someone might think? Is the influence of the church growth/seeker sensitive movement stifling Spirit-filled churches?

What do you think?

The Super Bowl as a "Barometer of our Culture."

Read this: Super Bowl TV: Good game, wretched ads, pathetic half-time show - Baltimore Sun.

"The ads are a barometer of our culture. And what they said to me is that we have become a truly dumbed-down, crass, trashy and even cruel society -- and somehow proud of it."

This guy is right on with his analysis. The half-time show consisted of a has-been pop star who used her body and sex to make what career she once had and a hip hopper who flipped us off. I say we just have a half-time show about the football game we are watching and if there are those who want to see an aging pop star shuffle around like a zombie while scantily clad dancers gyrate around her then do that show afterwards or something. I am now over half-time shows and will wander off to the kitchen or the backyard from henceforth until the game starts back.

Just saying.