Sunday, November 5, 2017
The Power of Access
Thursday, September 28, 2017
The Death of Hugh Hefner by Matt Walsh
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
A Message of Hate? by Shane Idleman
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Two Reasons For The Decline of the Power of God
First of all, the gospel and the person of Jesus Christ are not "products" to be "sold." They cannot be refashioned or image-adjusted to appeal to the felt needs of our consumer-happy culture. Any attempt to do so compromises to some degree the truth of who Christ is and what He has done for us. For example, if the lost are considered consumers and a basic marketing "commandment" says that the customer must reign supreme, then whatever may be offensive to the lost must be discarded, revamped or downplayed. Scripture tells us clearly that the message of the Cross is "foolishness to them that are perishing" and that Christ himself is a "rock of offense" (see 1 Cor:1:18; 1 Pet. 2:8). Some seeker-friendly churches, therefore, seek to avoid this "negative aspect" of the gospel by making the temporal benefits of becoming a Christian their chief selling point. Although that appeals to our gratification-oriented generation, it is neither the gospel nor the goal of a believer's life in Christ.
Thursday, September 7, 2017
On Contending For The Faith
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Preaching on the End Times
Preparing the Way For The Baptism in the Spirit
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Great Article on Modesty
Click on this to read a great article on modesty. Modesty, Yoga Pants and 5 Myths You Need to Know.
Sunday, July 9, 2017
Predestined to Be Lost?
By foreknowledge God knew I would choose Him. As a result He chose me because He knew I would believe on Jesus as my Savior and Lord. He didn’t decide if I would be saved or lost without foreknowledge that I would. He didn’t decide I would be saved and yet someone else would be lost. The choice was mine. He didn’t make it for me. He will not violate my free will because I believe He wants us to want Him.
The choice belongs to the other fellow as well. If he rejects Christ then he is not going to be counted with the Elect (who are the ones who did make the choice for Jesus). God is not the reason someone misses Heaven. It is truly “whosoever will.” The truth is that God chooses the corporate Body of Christ as His Elect because Jesus is The Elect (“My beloved Son in whom I’m well pleased”). If we are “in Him” we are the chosen ones.
It all comes down to whether a person is in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus is at the center of God’s plan for us and has been from the beginning. What you do with Jesus makes the difference in where you will spend eternity. That has always been the plan. For those who accept Christ, they are predestined to become the children of God and be God’s people forever. For those who reject Christ they are doomed to be separated from Him forever.
The choice is ours to make. It isn’t as complicated as many want to make it. Do you believe that Jesus died for your sins and will accept you if you will repent? Will you make Him Lord of your life? If so you are the Elect – the Chosen. If not, then you are not.