5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Preaching on the End Times
By Marty Duren
Few things capture the imaginations of church-going folks
than sermons on the Last Days or End Times. This is not a new phenomenon. The
first century believers in Thessalonica (modern day Thessaloniki, Greece)
seemed to be enamored with Christ’s return, but Paul did not want them to
misunderstand the truth about it:
We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and
sisters, concerning those who are asleep [have died], so that you will not
grieve like those who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose
again, in the same way, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have
fallen asleep. (1 Thessalonians 5:13-14)
Pastors and theologians have long held the importance of
accurately dividing eschatological words of truth. Too often, though, we see
dull knives forced again and again onto the sacred text, resulting in tortured
interpretations (the UN Secretary General as the Antichrist) or unbiblical
expectations (77 Reasons Jesus Will Return in 1977).
In the 1970s and 80s, church auditoriums were swollen
with people convinced 2017 would fall during the Millennial reign of Christ.
Jesus would long have returned by now. Instead, we have Millennials and Gen
Zers with little-to-no connection to—or interest in—long expired dates on “End
Times” labels.
Eschatological preaching is needed. We do have a blessed
hope. Christ promised to return. Part of our motivation for holiness is to be
ready for his appearing. His re-appearance will usher in the cosmic renewal for
which his followers have yearned for centuries, indeed all of creation is
But, let’s get it right.
When we preach from Daniel, Revelation, the Olivet
Discourse, the “man of sin,” or other prophetic passages, here are a few
pitfalls to avoid.
1. Making every news item a “sign of the times.”
Seeking signs is nothing new. Signs were commonplace for
God’s people in the Old Testament. After Jesus informed his disciples of
Jerusalem’s impending destruction, they wanted to know:
Tell us, when will these things happen?
What is the sign of your coming?
What is the sign of the end of the age? (Matthew 24:3)
Jesus then gave about half-of-a-chapter of signs and
instructions. His followers have been looking for signs of his coming since
that day. It has practically become a spiritual gift.
When pastors or teachers try to convert news items into
biblical signs, the results can be theologically catastrophic. Take the pastor
I saw on his TV broadcast who said to his church—in utter seriousness—that
Microsoft’s Windows operating system is the Beast of Revelation. Or a computer
in Belgium called “the Beast.” Or the EC being the restored Roman Empire. Or
the Gulf War will lead to Armageddon.
Pastors, teachers, and theologians—historically—have not
proven adept at reading the signs of the times. We would be better off
preaching on disciple-making than tying daily headlines to a biblical prophecy.
2. Playing “Name the Antichrist.”
Henry Kissinger. Ronald Reagan. King George. The Pope
(just pick one). Caesar. A random Jew from the tribe of Dan.
Each and every one of these, at some point in history,
has been suspected (or accused) of being the Antichrist. Such speculation is
distracting to the mission God has give us.
There is no scripture that encourages guessing the
identity of the Antichrist. We (not to mention our churches!) would be better
off in leaving this secret thing to God.
3. Neglecting the original audience.
When we do not take into account the original audience of
the text, we may find ourselves in fantasy land. When Jesus and his disciples
walked across the temple complex and Jesus said “not one stone” will be left
“on another,” his disciples would not have interpreted a 2,000-year futuristic
reference. Indeed, it was mere decades (AD 70) before that prophecy was
fulfilled. When Jesus said in Matthew 24:9, “Then they will hand you over..they
will kill you…you will be hated,” Peter, James, and John would not have
connected “you” to 21st century Christians; they would have looked at each
As with any scriptural text, the original audience should
be considered. They provide part of the context for accurate biblical
interpretation. When we better understand what it meant to them, we better
understand what it means.
4. Setting dates.
“No one knows the day or the hour.”
‘Nuf said.
5. Overemphasizing an American role.
Some American Christians seem enamored with how (or if)
America fits into biblical prophecy. One preacher I heard likened an Old
Testament “eagle’s wings” reference to the United States because our national
bird is the bald eagle. That’s as shaky as maracas in a Salsa band.
Many American Christians already struggle with a view of
history that is over-Western or overtly American, seemingly unaware that God
has used myriad nations throughout history to accomplish his will. Scripturally
speaking, America, ancient Rome, Botswana, China, Persia, Mongolia, and
Montenegro are the same in God’s eyes: a drop in the bucket, dust on a scale,
empty nothingness (Isaiah 40:15-17). He uses them as he wills, when he wills,
if he wills.
When we assign to America a greater role than scripture
reveals we may be leading hearers to an interpretive pit. Some things that
“make for good preachin'” do not make for good Bible.
Jesus is coming again. He will return to the earth just
as he was seen leaving it nearly 2,000 years ago. He will come in power. He
will institute the fulness of his kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Until
then, he has given us a Great Commission. The more the mission consumes us, the
fewer pitfalls of eschatological speculation will deter us. May we live in
faith what God has revealed, while leaving the secret things to him.