Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Preparing the Way For The Baptism in the Spirit

Wrong thinking, false teaching, culture and traditions can hinder the Word preparing hearts and minds in receiving the Holy Spirit. Here are some answers to common errors.

Every Believer Indwelt (but not filled) - When you pray for the Baptism in the Spirit you are not asking for the Holy Spirit to come into your life. He is already dwelling within you or you are not saved (Rom. 8:9). The Savior who came into your life when you put your faith in Him (Jn. 1:12) is also the Baptizer in the Spirit (Matt. 3:11). The Spirit already dwells within - the Godhead dwells within – and you don’t get some other part of God in the Baptism (Jn. 14:23). You are asking for a release of the Holy Spirit to enable you to breakthrough to a new dimension of life.

“Am I Good (Holy) Enough?” - The Baptism is not a wage or reward. It is a gift. The idea that you can improve or better yourself to become more qualified for the things of God runs contrary to grace. God certainly desires we be sanctified and our lives line up with Christ’s but that is not possible by self-effort and requires the help of the Holy Spirit (1 Thess. 4:3-5, 7; Jn. 15:1-8; Gal. 5:22-23). The Holy Spirit is the agent in sanctification and holiness is the result of allowing and yielding to the work of the Holy Spirit in us. Not of works but faith. When we are born again we are justified and declared righteous. We still need the sanctifying work of the Spirit but this doesn’t disqualify one from receiving the Spirit. Greater cleansing will come after the Baptism. The Spirit-baptized will be more sensitive to the Spirit’s presence and leadership. A believer is entitled to the Blessing and He delights in your receiving it.

No Reason to Fear the Holy Spirit - When you received Christ as Savior did you fear what He would do to you? You did not! You saw Him as Friend (Jn. 15:14-15). Anything God gives us is good. The Holy Spirit is God and just like Jesus! See Jn. 14:16-18. The word “another” means “of the same kind.” Just as Jesus was a Helper (Comforter) so the Holy Spirit will be the same in our lives as He comes alongside to comfort, strengthen and teach us. He has the same nature and demeanor as Jesus and there is no need to fear Him. Who convicted and drew you to Jesus? The Holy Spirit. He enabled you to believe and repent. Did you fear the Spirit as you accepted and responded to Christ? Nor should you fear when seeking the Baptism.

You Speak (the Spirit gives the utterance) - In the Baptism you are the one speaking. The Holy Spirit gives the utterance. He does not make you speak. The speaking is an act of faith. You choose to speak in tongues just like you choose to speak in English. Releasing faith means action. In the NT when someone heard the Word they had to make a decision to act on it. This initiative is obedience. When they did God was faithful to do His part. As you do your part in the Baptism by beginning to speak, God does His part and gives the utterance. Nothing will happen until you do your part. The Promise is for every Christian to be filled and to speak in tongues. It’s Word. The responsibility is ours to respond to in obedience expecting the miracle of tongues to occur.  “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit (passive voice – something God does) and began to speak (active voice – something the disciples did) with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:4). It does not read: “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues…” This grammar would remove the active participation of the believers. Paul spoke in tongues (1 Cor. 14:18). For him it was something he made an active decision and participated in. See 1 Cor. 14:14-15. “I will pray… I will sing…” You choose to use the physical parts and faculties of your body in speaking or singing and the Spirit gives the utterance. Our physical obedience is essential for God to do the filling (Ps. 81:10; Acts 5:32). We obey and do our part (speaking) He will do His and fill us with His Spirit in a dynamic release of spiritual language.

“I Don’t Want It to Be Me” - It will be you doing the speaking. The Holy Spirit will not overpower you causing you to speak in tongues. He will whisper, impress or nudge you with thoughts, words, ideas or even sounds but you do the speaking. He gives the utterance. God will give you what you ask for and not a counterfeit or fake language (Luke 11:9-13). When you ask in faith you can expect to receive the Spirit’s power as promised by God. (“I don’t want to get in the flesh”) When you accepted Christ He honored your faith and confession and were saved. Did you worry about getting in the flesh when you were saved? You trusted the Holy Spirit to save you when you repented and put your faith in Christ and when you trust the Spirit to give you the utterance (just like in salvation) while you speak you are no more in the flesh as then. You are presenting your body as a living sacrifice spiritually just as you did in salvation.

The Place of Emotions - Some may think to receive the Baptism extreme manifestations are necessary. I don’t have to be in some emotional state to speak in English and it’s unnecessary for tongues. There may be joy, excitement and other manifestations when the Baptism is received but are not required or necessary. Also, speaking in tongues does not have to occur in an unconscious state or while unaware of surroundings. So called “ecstatic utterances” are not Biblical. There is a place for excitement and emotions in our worship. God gave us our emotions for a reason. But for the Baptism they are not required. Many emotions/physical manifestations are learned behaviors. This is not to say there will not be excitement, joy and praise along with emotion when received.

Tarrying - Many think they must wait long periods of time to receive the Baptism. The only time it was required was when the disciples gathered in the Upper Room awaiting the outpouring promised by Jesus (Luke 24:49). Otherwise there is no record in the NT Christians were required to wait for the Spirit after Pentecost.

·         Acts 4:31 They prayed and were filled. No waiting.
·         Acts 8:15, 17 In Samaria they immediately received.
·         Acts 9:17, 20 Implied in Paul’s situation.
·         Acts 10 While Peter was speaking.
·         Acts 19:6 As conditions were met the gift was immediately poured out.

Since Pentecost all believers can receive the gift when they ask in faith. You didn’t have to tarry to be saved nor do you for the Baptism.

Faith - Gal. 3:2, 14. To say you believe and not to act on it is not faith. Faith is reception and release. You receive by faith and then release the gift by faith in the utterance of God. See Mark 11:24. Ask, believe you received and then begin to speak in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance.

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